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School Fee
School fee is to be paid by the 15th of every month, there after a fine of Rs. 10 per day will be charged.
If fee for the consecutive month is not paid by the 15th of the second month the name of the pupil may be struck off the school rolls.
If a student wishes to join, change or discontinue the use of school bus, notice of the full term must be given to the school.
Students will be permitted to sit for the examination only if all the dues have been cleared.
Security deposits will be refunded provided parents produce a receipt issued by the accounts office of the school and provided a clear 3 month’s notice of withdrawal is also given by the parents.
No request for adjustment of security deposit against any arrear of fees shall be entertained.
No child will be permitted to enter an new term unless all arrears due on his/her account have been cleared before the beginning of the new term.
Bill for extras such as extra tutorial classes etc. will continue to be sent separately.